This Week in Godot #45

Hello everyone, welcome to the #45 issue of This Week in Godot, Godot is a popular Free and Open Source game development engine and toolset. And this is a weekly overview of what happened the past week in the Godot engine and its community right in your email. I'll try to cover the most relevant news, releases, games, tools, and anything else relevant. Please, if you have any recommendations or, any idea you can send me an email to or, even better, you can open a PR in GitHub.





YouTubeyourgeekeric in YouTube

Godot C# State Machine Tutorial

Libraries Assets and Add-ons

Godot Asset Library3ddelano in Godot Asset Library

Discord.gdInteract with the Discord Bot API.


YouTubeViroid Games in YouTube

Urban Farmer Devlog #5

Made with Godot

YouTubeEverything and Nothing Dev in YouTube

Godot 3 Night City Driving Test

Some Cool Tweets

✋ Before you go

Hey, José here, the maintainer of this newsletter, I hope you enjoy this issue, and if you find it helpful, please consider buying me a coffee and support my work

Do you have something to share?